Yes, more thoughts on providence. Providence is often expressed as windfall gain. Any creature makes use of it... Especially, the buzzard. A buzzard is always on the look out for a new opportunity or a place or situation that offers one. Could one have a nest in the roof? You are thinking 'on' the roof, but that is the unexpected part.

Yesterday, I saw a buzzard lifting off as I came back to the house, but where did it come from? You see, because of the enormous temperature shifts we experience here, the house has a special open window, or vent, below the roof big enough for a big bird to enter.

Later, the same day, I saw it once more flying low close to the forest floor. Again I was surprised. My point is that it was not where buzzards are supposed to be, and yet it was well and thriving. This buzzard knows a thing or two about 'providence' and how to make the best of it. How is it one never learns lessons like this at school!

Yesterday, I took time out to listen to an interview with Daniel Quinn. It seems so many years now that I read all his books. The key notion is that, for mankind to continue to exist, we are going to have to change our mindset to 'stay-ability'.  It was quite a powerful message that doesn't seem to have a solution or does it? You see, Daniel found his inspiration and vision from 'providence' - a dream of a deer that suddenly springs out in front of him to tell him something vitally important - yes, that Mother Nature's ways are sacrosanct. And so, perhaps, what we need to be on the look out for is 'Providence' in whatever shape or form she comes to us ... as she has done from the beginning of time.

What a difficult month January is with its departures and arrivals! For that reason, it pays to look back to look forward. Here is Sebastian last year, and, at this moment, he is much bigger and stronger and on his way to becoming the King of the Estate. But, for the time being, we have to wait a little, wait a little more for Spring.

Yes, I'd like to imagine all different types of people coming here and becoming part of a more caring future. Oh, yes, wouldn't that be great! Let us be greedy for knowledge and well being. In this way, we are inquisitive, interested in all the wonderful aspects of living things, knowing that each one complements the other - a need and its fulfillment. Rather than tread on bounty, we tread softly and let the dreams of those around us turn into reality, such that together we might number all the little droplets of water, making up the fine falling rain that is drawing up the grass right now.

Did you know that an upright horse shoe is a sign of luck in England and an upside down horse shoe denotes luck in Portugal? However, to my mind, both cultures have got it wrong. Luck is brought to you by the horse rather than the shoe! That is what we are discovering hereabouts. Inspired by the beauty and well being our horses have brought us, my neighbour, Carlos, has taken in this mare who is about to transform his life, for she will become the horse she was created to be. You see, horses transpose a loving environment into the greatest prosperity you can imagine.... as she started to gallop and play today, I saw this reflected in the tears of joy in his eyes.
You don't want to hear about the rain that came bucketing down, accompanied by high winds, last night; you want to know how things looked in the morning. And the answer is quite perfect. You see, in times gone passed, we would have fallen trees, blocking the accesses not to mention areas where trees had fallen on top of each other in a super 'impossible' tangle, and yet, today, none of this: the forest is, once again, strong, healthy and resilient... at least, with respect to this very testing storm!
The rain is coming down hard and the horses are in their stables, chewing over the present and dreaming of harmonious relationships. This  video clip shows not only the direction we are going in with our horses but also the whole of our forest garden - we are looking for a harmonious interaction between all parts of our environment from the tallest trees down to the smallest blade of grass - and, naturally, there is a spectrum of diversity in between including all kinds of fruit and flowers. So now I am off to talk this over with the horses:-)
I woke last night to the sound of Sebastian, one of our horses, whinnying. Rain had started to fall heavily. So, in the morning, Mt Graça was hidden completely and the house was enveloped in warm rain. Yes, WARM rain! 

I learned that Pomegranate bushes like a wall to the west and to be planted on flat ground to avoid chilling winds at the time the fruit forms. This hasn't been the case with ours and explains why the fruit has dropped. So task one today is to re-plant at least one bush.




Well, well, well! Yes, we had a light snowfall yesterday, but this morning the temperature is rising and you can sense the grass growing and the horses' eagerness to enjoy it.
Mt Graça this morning!

Well, what a way to start a blog: I am sat next to a warm log fire, the horses are in their stables and our mountain is blue and cold. Appreciation of life comes from contrast. I am not a flat-land person. I love mountains and valleys. Tomorrow, will be a bright new day and the mountain another colour. So, in a moment, I will groom the horses and whisper sweet nothings to them and tell them of things to come and make their stables snug for the night so that we all may dream of tomorrow... and the next stage in our adventure together.

horses, camellias, paradigm shift, perspective, innovation,