Witness a self-fulfilling prophecy... one that heals!
I felt this calling, a strange sense of emptiness and found myself walking towards an abandoned house. And NOT unsurprisingly, from nowhere out popped a kitten. I scooped her up and looked at her. She mewed repeatedly, but it wasn't until later that I recognized what she was saying, Give me new faces new faces!  Smart kitten?
I am getting to work on Equine Assisted English Education - language and thinking to usher in the Post Consumer Era - it is my inevitable return to teaching:-)

The idea is to focus on process not product. I imagine thinking that reflects 'doing' rather than being 'done-in' by misleading concepts defining success and failure. The greatest functional linguist Halliday pointed out years ago that the way English is structured in the form of nominalization makes it inflexible and inherently conservative. It is highly likely that such product-based thinking is going to be the death of us, so it is high time to recycle it, unravel the processes focusing on meaning in an existential sense.

Blake portrayed humanity's evolution in the form of a child being carried by a giant, but what would happen if we substitute the giant for a horse? The horse in its truth-bearing role? Something WONDERFUL!

So yes, I have just created this empty space at the cost of a row of vines. You see, the horses need a space to train in, to learn precision.  What I have created are two straight lines at the edge (or hedge), which once crossed represent a figure 4, a rectangle. Within the rectangle, there are two posts, identifying the mid-points of two circles, which, by following the circumferences, together form an '8'. So now I just need to spend some time in this space to fulfill my dream of exercising the horses with a sense of precision. You see, a sense of freedom is only achieved by identifying strengths within limits - limits that can then be extended progressively so that the dream may unfold.
I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to Spring because now I have three of the best gardeners imaginable working for me. You will be surprised that the great gardeners are HORSES. They began last year by pruning and manuring our old apple trees that were withering away, producing next to nothing, and you can see the results for yourselves. Yes, suddenly we had enormous apples everywhere, but the miracle didn't stop there: the maggots also had disappeared and the leaves themselves remained green, despite the hot sun, and remained on the trees into the depths of winter.  

And you know what: there were so many apples that a lot fell to the ground before we could eat them, but that was no problem either. Our gardeners cleared them up at no extra charge. In fact, they charged nothing at all: they work for the sheer joy of it!
Today I was out mulching, which means cutting up the undergrowth in the forest fine so that the energy and nutrients become available in the soil and, thus, become food for the trees. Similarly, I will prune some trees and coppice others, extending desired growth on the one hand and revitalizing growth on the other. Of course, this takes a lot of work and energy some of which is not renewable. So let's say there is a way to only use renewable energy – no machines or fuel AND make the process more efficient. 

That is what horses do when they munch undergrowth, for they also add enzymes that speed up the decaying process and make nutrients available much faster. However, there is a catch: the undergrowth needs to be in a palatable form for the horses to eat; it must be no more than two years old and, thus, tender. Similarly, trees less than two years old are liable to be eaten. So you have to get the balance right: young undergrowth and old trees. Hence, next year, enter the horses: no more mulching, just munching – horsepower at its best.

What we need is more people who specialize in the impossibleTheodore Roethke. I couldn't agree more, for, otherwise, how on earth will we be here tomorrow! So you are wondering,  how do you recognize the impossible? Well, you have to understand that by creating a certain set of circumstances, the seemingly impossible becomes possible. For example, take our 'screen house'. Screen house? Most people will see a shade house. However, on closer inspection, you will find that it is far from shady inside but rather quite bright. What it does is  filter out damaging rays of light so that plants can reach a stage of maturity to tolerate full sun light. The secret is in the type of netting.

When we first started out there were a lot of fields that needed to be mowed regularly. Hence, I invested in some 'fun' lawn mowers that were child's play to drive and work with. In fact, the idea was to make the task child's play and not something arduous. However, grass grows and keeps growing, and our mowers were often hard put to keeping up with it. In addition, the price of petrol (or gas) kept rising and not all our fields are flat and our bones were getting shaken apart. And what about the countless hours spent mowing!

Well, things have changed. Enter horses! No need to mow, no need to spend enormous sums of time and money. We have put the lawn mowers out to pasture!

horses, camellias, paradigm shift, perspective, innovation,